Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Father figures

My brother asked me to email him some photos of him and the girls. I had so much fun going through all the photos that I had to share a few here. I also thought these would be good in honor Fathers' Day recently. My girls may not have a dad, but they do have some wonderful male role models and father figures in their lives. My father is a wonderful, though spoiling, grandfather to the girls. It is so much fun to see them soak up his love and attention. Like flowers soaking up water, they stand taller and happier after they have been with Papa. The same thing happens when Uncle Peter comes to visit. I am sort of sad that they can say their 'P's now. It was so cute when they called him "Uncle Pfeter." Anyway, they love to talk to him and do things with him. Meskerem has already asked him to take her on a "date" to Sonic when he is here next month. Peter, of course, said he would be happy to.
So, here are some of my favorite pictures of the girls and their father figures. I hope other single moms have guys like these in their lives to show their children who men are supposed to be.
Kidist snuggling with Uncle Peter on Christmas Morning

Kidist and Papa making faces

Uncle Peter reading Meskerem her bedtime story

1 comment:

  1. So precious! Your girls are blessed ten fold by their mother and father figures!
