Sunday, August 28, 2011

What have you done with your life?

Earlier today I was talking with a friend about all the things she wants to do in the next few years. She is applying for the FBI and she's already a lawyer, but she is also working on Theology classes and wants to get an associates in auto mechanics. I laughingly said, "Gee, all I did was go to med school. What have I done with my life?" Then we looked over at the table where the girls were eating breakfast. They were holding hands and praying over their meal and thanking God for what He had given them. My friend said, "That is what you have done with your life and you should be incredibly proud." It just reminded me that I need to re-assess my definition of success. The speaker at church Saturday night said the same thing. I may only have two degrees (yes, I realize many have none), I may not always work enough to get a bonus; but hopefully my children will be able to remember having dinner together most evenings, cuddling in bed on Saturday and Sunday mornings andd having a mom present when she was needed most. I also hope that my patients will know that I truly care and that I will take the time I need to take care of them.
So success in my life can't be measured by my bank account, my house, my car or any other material things. Success will be when I stand before God and He says, "Well done. Thank you for caring for my children."

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Silly Photos

A few nights ago, I came home from work, tired and frustrated. God used my kids to remind me that I have so much more to be thankful for than I have to complain about. We all ended up in the big chair together and played with Meskerem's camera.
Here are the three of us. Not the most flattering photo, but a happy one.
We moved into the office and played with more pictures. The girls each wanted their picture taken with me. And then, Meskerem wanted them all printed out for her to look at whenever she wanted.
Mommy and Kidist
Mommy and Meskerem
We have been a family for almost 18 months and I can't believe how the time has flown. A couple of nights ago Meskerem needed to talk. She sat on my lap on the couch and talked and then we sat in the rocking chair and talked more. It wasn't all profound, but I just about lost it when she said, "I like my new life Mommy." Then as she crawled into bed, she said, "I love you Mommy. You a good mommy, Mommy." What more could a mom ask for than that? Those words play over and over in my head whenever I start to get frustrated or wonder why God called me to walk this road. Once again, I pray that I will be a worthy mother to these two little (but growing every bigger) gifts on loan from God.